
antibody to a cdna-derived calreticulin protein from amblyomma americanum as a biomarker of tick exposure in humans.the antibody responses of human and animal hosts were studied to determine the utility of antibody against recombinant tick calreticulin (rtc), a cdna-derived protein isolated from salivary glands of amblyomma americanum l., as a biologic marker of tick exposure. rabbits fed upon by either a. americanum or dermacentor variabilis say developed significant anti-rtc antibody responses, as measured by both elisa and immunoblot assay. in contrast, gerbils exposed to aedes aegypti did not develop anti ...19989715947
a call for renewed research on tick-borne francisella tularensis in the arkansas-missouri primary national focus of tularemia in humans.arkansas-missouri has emerged as the primary u.s. focus of tularemia, which is caused by the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases category a priority pathogen francisella tularensis, over the past 30 yr. there are several pieces of indirect evidence suggesting that a key role of ticks in the transmission of f. tularensis to humans in arkansas-missouri is the primary reason why tularemia has remained a prominent disease of humans in this two-state area while fading away from othe ...200717547223
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