
zoonotic potential (rocky mountain spotted fever aed tularemia) in the tennessee valley region. ii. prevalence of rickettsia rickettsi and francisella tularensis in mammals and ticks from land between the lakes. 19744204021
zoonotic potential (rocky mountain spotted fever and tularemia) in the tennessee valley region. i. ecologic studies of ticks infesting mammals in land between the lakes. 19744204030
ecoepidemiology of tularemia in the southcentral united states.we combined county-based data for tularemia incidence from 1990 to 2003 for a nine-state region (arkansas, illinois, indiana, kansas, kentucky, missouri, nebraska, oklahoma, and tennessee) in the southcentral united states with geographic information system (gis)-based environmental data to determine associations between coverage by different habitats (especially dry forest representing suitable tick habitat) and tularemia incidence. high-risk counties (> 1 case per 100,000 person-years) cluster ...200818385353
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