
prevalence of trichomonas vaginalis in men at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases.this study determined the prevalence of trichomonas vaginalis in young men who were at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases; compared different diagnostic tests for trichomonads; and compared sexual behavior of men with positive and negative trichomonas test results. men (85) aged 16-22 years inclusive, were recruited from a job-training program to participate in this study. urethral specimens were obtained after prostatic massage for the isolation of neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trac ...19911948509
igg antibody to giardia lamblia detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a sensitive, reproducible enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using unfixed, intact giardia lamblia trophozoites as antigen is described. employing this assay, we demonstrated that 81% of 59 symptomatic giardiasis patients and 12% of 17 uninfected control subjects had circulating igg antibodies to g. lamblia. eleven out of 15 patients tested serially had detectable antibody from 2 wk to 15 mo after therapy for acute infection. the prevalence of antibody in 197 unselected individuals in the washing ...19817014351
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