
sexually transmitted diseases and human immunodeficiency virus infection among women with genital infections in burkina faso.this study reports the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (stds) among gynaecological outpatients presenting at the bobo-dioulasso hospital (burkina faso) with genital infections and examines the factors associated with hiv infection in this population. of 245 eligible non-pregnant women, 220 consented to participate in the study. seventy-seven per cent had sexually transmitted infections. the most common were: trichomonas vaginalis (28%), chlamydia trachomatis (27%), bacterial vaginosi ...19957548291
etiologic study of genitourinary infections in women of childbearing age in bobo-dioulasso, burkina faso, 1992.genitourinary infections have a major impact on public health, especially in africa. relative distribution of the different pathogens is unknown in bobo-dioulasso.19968919743
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