the role of seafood in foodborne diseases in the united states of america. | in the united states of america, seafood ranked third on the list of products which caused foodborne disease between 1983 and 1992. outbreaks connected with fish vectors were caused by scombroid, ciguatoxin, bacteria and unknown agents; in shellfish, unknown agents, paralytic shellfish poisoning, vibrio spp. and other bacteria, followed by hepatitis a virus, were responsible for the outbreaks. at least ten genera of bacterial pathogens have been implicated in seafood-borne diseases. over the pas ... | 1997 | 9501377 |
plesiomonas shigelloides and salmonella serotype hartford infections associated with a contaminated water supply--livingston county, new york, 1996. | on june 24, 1996, the livingston county (new york) department of health (lcdoh) was notified of a cluster of diarrheal illness following a party on june 22, at which approximately 30 persons had become ill. this report summarizes the findings of the investigation, which implicated water contaminated with plesiomonas shigelloides and salmonella serotype hartford as the cause of the outbreak. | 1998 | 9614009 |