
intestinal infections in humans in the rocky mountain region, united evaluate the seasonal prevalence of human intestinal parasites in the western states of colorado, utah, new mexico, and montana, fecal samples were examined as part of routine diagnostic testing from patients experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort in august (summer) 2006, january (winter), and april (spring) 2007. parasite identification in positive samples was confirmed using light microscopy after wet mount and trichrome staining techniques. seventy-eight of the 1,083 patients surveyed (7 ...201019807196
results of testing for intestinal parasites by state diagnostic laboratories, united states, 1987.we analyzed results of 216,275 stool specimens examined by the state diagnostic laboratories in 1987; parasites were found in 20.1%. percentages were highest for protozoans: giardia lamblia (7.2%), entamoeba coli and endolimax nana (4.2% each), blastocystis hominis (2.6%), entamoeba histolytica (0.9%), and cryptosporidium species (0.2%). identifications of giardia lamblia increased broadly from the 4.0% average found in 1979, with 40 states reporting increases and seven decreases. most states th ...19911779956
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