
[enteric parasites and aids in haiti: utility of detection and treatment of intestinal parasites in family members].intestinal parasites and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) are major health problems in haiti. both entities are known to interact strongly with cell-mediated immunity. the purpose of this study undertaken in port-au-prince, haiti was to evaluate the risk of enteric parasite transmission between hiv-infected patients and family members. routine examination of stool specimens for parasites was conducted in 90 hiv-infected undergoing treatment for intestinal disorders due mainly to cryptosporidiu ...200617201290
[intestinal helminthiasis in school children in haiti in 2002].a survey on intestinal helminths in school children was conducted in haiti in 2002. this first nationwide study involving the entire country was stratified by department according to urban and rural zones using the cluster method. focusing on elementary school children (n=5792; age range 3 to 20 years), it involved 26 urban and 49 rural schools randomly selected. stools were preserved in formalin and examined by the ritchie technique. thirty-four per cent of stools (1981/5792) tested positive fo ...200516050381
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