
epidemiology of pityriasis versicolor in adana, turkey.pityriasis versicolor is a common superficial mycoses of the skin. it is now recognized that the causative organisms of this infection are different species of malassezia. the aim of this study was to determine the distribution of malassezia species in patients with pityriasis versicolor in adana, turkey. in total, 97 patients positive for malassezia elements, namely, yeast cells and short hyphae in microscopic examination, were included in the study. all samples were inoculated in plates contai ...200919583685
epidemiological characteristics of malassezia folliculitis and use of the may-grünwald-giemsa stain to diagnose the infection.various bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral pathogens can cause folliculitis, which is often mistakenly treated with antibiotics for months or even years. a laboratory diagnosis is required before therapy can be planned. here, we describe the prevalence and risk factors, as well as the clinical, cytological, and mycological characteristics, of patients with malassezia folliculitis (mf) in adana, turkey. we also report the treatment responses of the mf patients and describe the malassezia spp ...201323706503
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