
differential transmission of the genospecies of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato by game birds and small rodents in england.the genetic diversity of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato was assessed in a focus of lyme borreliosis in southern britain dominated by game birds. ticks, rodents, and pheasants were analyzed for spirochete infections by pcr-targeting the 23s-5s rrna genes, followed by genotyping by the reverse line blot method. in questing ixodes ricinus ticks, three genospecies of b. burgdorferi sensu lato were detected, with the highest prevalences found for borrelia garinii and borrelia valaisiana. b. burgdorf ...19989546150
host migration impacts on the phylogeography of lyme borreliosis spirochaete species in europe.the geographic patterns of transmission opportunities of vector-borne zoonoses are determined by a complex interplay between the migration patterns of the host and the vector. here we examine the impact of host migration on the spread of a tick-borne zoonotic disease, using lyme borreliosis (lb) spirochaetal species in europe. we demonstrate that the migration of the lb species is dependent on and limited by the migration of their respective hosts. we note that populations of borrelia spp. assoc ...201120722696
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