
intestinal helminths of the red fox (vulpes vulpes l.) in galicia (northwest spain).the intestinal helminth fauna of 201 specimens of vulpes vulpes, captured in galicia (northwest spain), was investigated. eight species were found: toxocara canis (23% of host specimens), toxocara cati (0.5%), toxascaris leonina (1%), uncinaria stenocephala (28%), seuratascaris numidica (0.5%), taenia crassiceps (23%), mesocestoides litteratus (2.5%) and dipylidium caninum (0.5%). we discuss possible relationships between human population density and the prevalence of infection of fox by intesti ...19958834508
helminth fauna of falconiform and strigiform birds of prey in galicia, northwest spain.this is a survey of the helminth fauna of 285 individuals of 14 species of birds of prey (falconiformes and strigiformes) from galicia (northwest spain), namely buteo buteo, accipiter nisus, a. gentilis, milvus migrans, m. milvus, pernis apivorus, circus pygargus, falco tinnunculus, f. peregrinus, f. subbuteo, tyto alba, strix aluco, asio otus and athene noctua. a total of 15 helminth species were detected, namely 8 nematodes ( eucoleus dispar, capillaria tenuissima, synhimantus laticeps, microt ...200414714181
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