
development and application of a delayed-release anthelmintic intra-ruminal bolus system for experimental manipulation of nematode worm order to quantify the impact of parasites on host population dynamics, experimental manipulations that perturb the parasite-host relationship are needed but, logistically, this is difficult for wild hosts. here, we describe the use of a delayed-release anthelmintic delivery system that can be administered when the hosts can be captured and its activity delayed until a more appropriate period in the host-parasite cycle. our model system is svalbard reindeer infected with a nematode parasite, m ...201222417532
disease transmission in an extreme environment: nematode parasites infect reindeer during the arctic winter.parasitic nematodes are found in almost all wild vertebrate populations but few studies have investigated these host-parasite relationships in the wild. for parasites with free-living stages, the external environment has a major influence on life-history traits, and development and survival is generally low at sub-zero temperatures. for reindeer that inhabit the high arctic archipelago of svalbard, parasite transmission is expected to occur in the summer, due to the extreme environmental conditi ...201222705063
resistance to abomasal nematodes and individual genetic variability in reindeer.resistance to parasites is believed to have a widespread influence on demographic and adaptive processes. in systems where parasites impose a fitness cost on their host, heterozygotes may be selected because they are more resistant to parasites than homozygotes. our objective was to assess the relationships between genomewide individual heterozygosity and abomasal nematode burdens in female svalbard reindeer (rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) after the effects of host age, locality, season, and y ...200516262866
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