
metagenomic analysis reveals unexpected subgenomic diversity of magnetotactic bacteria within the phylum nitrospirae.a targeted metagenomic approach was applied to investigate magnetotactic bacteria (mtb) within the phylum nitrospirae in lake miyun near beijing, china. five fosmids containing rrna operons were identified. comparative sequence analysis of a total of 172 kb provided new insights into their genome organization and revealed unexpected subgenomic diversity of uncultivated mtb in the phylum nitrospirae. in addition, affiliation of two novel mtb with the phylum nitrospirae was verified by fluorescenc ...201021057016
temporal variation of magnetotactic bacterial communities in two freshwater sediment microcosms.magnetotactic bacteria (mtb), which can mineralize nanosized magnetite or greigite crystals within cells, play important roles in biogeochemical processes, for example iron and sulfur cycling, and depositional remanent magnetization acquisitions. despite decades of research, the knowledge of mtb distribution and ecology is still limited. in the present study, we investigated the temporal variation of mtb communities in freshwater sediment microcosms based on 16s rrna genes and unifrac analyses. ...201019909346
diversity analysis of magnetotactic bacteria in lake miyun, northern china, by restriction fragment length polymorphism.magnetotactic bacteria (mtb) synthesize intracellular nano-scale crystals of magnetite or greigite within magnetosomes. mtb are ubiquitous in limnic and marine environments. in order to understand the diversity of mtb better, sediment samples were examined from lake miyun near beijing by restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp). first, in silico analysis was used to evaluate the effectiveness of 12 sets of restriction endonucleases for distinguishing mtb sequences retrieved from the genba ...200919168303
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