
predicted metabolizable energy density and amino acid profile of the crop contents of free-living scarlet macaw chicks (ara macao).hand rearing of neonates is a common practice for the propagation of psittacines. however, nutritional requirements for their growth and development are not well understood, and malnutrition is common. we analysed the amino acid (aa) profile of the crop contents of 19 free-living scarlet macaw (ara macao) chicks, 19-59 days old. predicted metabolizable energy (pme) density was 16.9 mj/kg dm and true protein (total aa protein) 8.3 g/mj pme. crude protein (cp) was 10.0 g/mj pme, lower than the req ...201121883501
[the sinuatrial node of the avian heart (author's transl)].comparative histologic observations were made of the sinuatrial nodes of avian hearts from a short-tailed shearwater (puffinus tenuirostris), a black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax), two ducks (anas platyrhycha domestica), eight japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), a pigeon (columba livia domestica), a macaw (ara macao), three budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and a jungle crow (corvus macrorhynchos). the node lies between the right atrial myocardium and epicardium at th ...19817318931
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