
parasites and climate synchronize red grouse populations.there is circumstantial evidence that correlated climatic conditions can drive animal populations into synchronous fluctuations in abundance. however, it is unclear whether climate directly affects the survival and fecundity of individuals, or indirectly, by influencing food and natural enemies. here we propose that climate affects trophic interactions and could be an important mechanism for synchronizing spatially distributed populations. we show that in specific years the size of red grouse po ...200515716952
seasonal forcing in a host-macroparasite system.seasonal forcing represents a pervasive source of environmental variability in natural systems. whilst it is reasonably well understood in interacting populations and host-microparasite systems, it has not been studied in detail for host-macroparasite systems. in this paper we analyse the effect of seasonal forcing in a general host-macroparasite system with explicit inclusion of the parasite larval stage and seasonal forcing applied to the birth rate of the host. we emphasise the importance of ...201525445186
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