
[new evidence for the detection of ehrlichia and anaplasma in ixodes ticks in russia and kazakhstan].polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis were used to screen ehrlichia and anaplasma dna in 900 specimens of ixodes ticks of four genera (dermacetor, haemaphysalis, ixodes, and hyalomma) collected on 14 administrative territories of russia and kazakhstan. anaplasma phagocytophilia dna was detected and identified in ixodes persulcatus ticks gathered in the altai and primorye territories. ehrlichia muris dna was genotyped in the i. persulcatus ticks collected in the tyumen, omsk, and novosi ...200415193042
[genetic identification of rickettsiae of the tick-borne spotted fever group, isolated in the foci of tick-borne rickettsiosis].a total of 25 rickettsial cultures of the tick-borne spotted fever (tbsf) group from the collection of the research institute of infections in omsk, isolated from different sources in the territory of the russian federation (from the urals to the far east) during the period of 1954-2001) were studied by the methods of genetic analysis. the fragments of the gene coding the outer-membrane protein of 190 kd (ompa) and synthetase citrate (glta) of the rickettsiae under the study were sequenced. 23 i ...200415554312
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