
[giardia duodenalis prevalence and associated risk factors in preschool and school-age children of rural colombia].giardia doudenalis infection remains an important public health problem worldwide, as well as in colombia. this infection is associated with poverty and lack of public services.200718320100
molecular diagnosis and genotype analysis of giardia duodenalis in asymptomatic children from a rural area in central colombia.giardiasis is a parasitic infection that affects around 200 million people worldwide. this parasite presents a remarkable genetic variability observed in 8 genetic clusters named as 'assemblages' (a-h). these assemblages are host restricted and could be zoonotic where a and b infect humans and animals around the globe. the knowledge of the molecular epidemiology of human giardiasis in south-america is scarce and also the usefulness of pcr to detect this pathogen in fecal samples remains controve ...201525795384
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