enteroparasitosis and their ethnographic relationship to food handlers in a tourist and economic center in paraná, southern brazil. | this study reports on the occurrence of enteroparasites based on data from an ethnographic study of food handlers in the city of cascavel, paraná, brazil. fecal material from 343 food handlers of both sexes, between 14 and 75 years of age, was analyzed using lutz, modified ritchie and ziehl-neelsen techniques. ethnographic relationships were investigated by means of specific questionnaires. positive fecal samples were found for 131 (38.2%) handlers. endolimax nana (67.9%) was the predominant spe ... | 2009 | 19229388 |
water from different sources used for the irrigation of vegetables to be marketed: research on cryptosporidium spp., giardia spp., and coliforms in parana, brazil. | the aim of this work was to compare, from a parasitological ( cryptosporidium spp. and giardia duodenalis), bacteriological (total and thermotolerants coliforms) and physicochemical perspective, water sources used for drinking and irrigation of vegetables intended to be sold for human consumption. from january 2010 to may 2011, samples of different water sources from vegetable producing properties were collected; 100 liters for parasitological analysis, 200 ml for bacteriological analysis, and f ... | 2015 | 26422158 |
survey of giardiosis in household and shelter dogs from metropolitan areas of curitiba, paraná state, southern brazil. | giardia duodenalis is a protozoan parasite that causes a broad range of clinical symptoms varying from none--in asymptomatic carriers--to mild recurring diarrhea consisting of soft, light-colored stools to acute severe diarrhea. in different parts of the world this parasite has raised increased interest due to its possible zoonotic transmission. among domestic animals, dogs can play an important role in environmental contamination. as there is little information on the frequency of giardiosis in ... | 2008 | 18261855 |