
contribution of treated wastewater to the microbiological quality of seine river in paris.urban part of seine river serving as drinking water supply in paris can be heavily contaminated by cryptosporidium spp. and giardia duodenalis. in the absence of agricultural practice in this highly urbanized area, we investigated herein the contribution of treated wastewater to the microbiological quality of this river focusing on these two parasites. other microorganisms such as faecal bacterial indicators, enteroviruses and oocysts of toxoplasma gondii were assessed concurrently. raw wastewat ...201020630555
intestinal parasite carriage in workers exposed to sewage.the presence of protozoan cysts and helminth eggs in sewage and the very low minimal infective doses of parasites suggest an occupational risk for workers exposed to sewage. the objective of this study was to assess this risk in a group of raw sewage-exposed workers. the relationship between sewage exposure and intestinal parasite carriage was estimated by a multiple cross-sectional survey comparing yearly prevalence rates in 126 employees working in sewers in paris, france, with the prevalence ...199910395056
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