
a sero-epidemiological study of haemophilus somnus infection in dairy cattle.five repeated cross-sectional serological surveys of 790 dairy cattle in 4 dairy herds between december 1985 and february 1987 provided an opportunity to study the changes in the seroprevalence of haemophilus somnus across the 5 surveys and with respect to some demographic and disease variables. the demographic variables included were age (heifers or cows) and farm, representing two groups of herds (two herds in each group, located in the central and northern valleys of california). the serologi ...19979151407
serologic survey of leptospiral antibodies in horses in california.a serologic survey was made of the prevalence of common leptospiral infections in horses in california. a total of 465 serums were tested, using the microscopic agglutination method, against 5 leptospiral serotypes: leptospira pomona, leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, leptospira canicola, leptospira grippotyphosa, and leptospira hardjo. of the serums tested, 127 (27.30%) were positive against 1 or more of the leptospires, with percentage distribution among the reactors as follows: l pomona, 12.47% ...1977921041
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