
viral antibodies in coyotes from california.prevalence of antibodies against canine parvovirus (cpv), canine distemper virus (cdv), and canine adenovirus type 1 (cav) were determined among 152 coyotes (canis latrans) at the naval petroleum reserves (nprc; california, usa) from 1985 to 1990. overall prevalence of antibodies to cpv, cdv, and cav was 66%, 37%, and 68%, respectively. prevalence of cpv and cdv varied significantly among years. antibody prevalence did not differ between sexes for any disease, but did vary significantly among ag ...19989577772
characterization of a new adenovirus isolated from black-tailed deer in adenovirus associated with systemic and localized vascular damage was demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry in a newly recognized epizootic hemorrhagic disease in california black-tailed deer. in this study, we describe the cultural, physicochemical and serological characteristics of a virus isolated from lung using neonatal white-tail deer lung and turbinate cell cultures. the virus had the cultural, morphological and physicochemical characteristics of mem ...200111504424
isolation of a novel adenovirus from california sea lions zalophus californianus.viral hepatitis associated with adenoviral infection has been reported in california sea lions zalophus californianus admitted to rehabilitation centers along the california coast since the 1970s. canine adenovirus 1 (cadv-1) causes viral hepatitis in dogs and infects a number of wildlife species. attempts to isolate the virus from previous sea lion hepatitis cases were unsuccessful, but as the hepatitis had morphologic features resembling canine infectious hepatitis, and since the virus has a w ...201121790072
development and validation of a quantitative pcr for rapid and specific detection of california sea lion adenovirus 1 and prevalence in wild and managed populations.california sea lion adenovirus 1 (csladv-1) has been associated with hepatitis and enteritis in several wild and captive populations of diverse pinniped species. currently available tests have been limited to pan-adenoviral polymerase chain reaction (pcr) followed by sequencing. we present the development of a quantitative probe-hybridization pcr (qpcr) assay for rapid, sensitive, and specific detection of this virus in california sea lions ( zalophus californianus) and other pinnipeds. this ass ...201728166696
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