
enteritis as a cause of mortality in the western bluebird (sialia mexicana).increased mortalities in adult western bluebirds utilizing nestboxes were noted in western oregon during 1998 and 1999. a necrohemorrhagic enteritis was found in 8 of 10 birds submitted for necropsy. acanthocephalan parasites were present in four of eight birds with enteritis. microscopic changes consistent with necrotic or ulcerative enteritis were commonly present. anaerobic culture of the intestine yielded clostridium perfringens in three of three birds. genotype analysis of two of these isol ...200111569757
an observation of clostridium perfringens in greater sage-grouse.mortality due to infectious diseases is seldom reported in the greater sage-grouse (centrocercus urophasianus). a case of necrotic enteritis associated with clostridium perfringens type a is described in a free-ranging adult male sage-grouse in eastern oregon. clostridial enteritis is known to cause outbreaks of mortality in various domestic and wild birds, and should be considered as a potential cause of mortality in sage-grouse populations.200717699098
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