
two successive outbreaks of clostridium perfringens at a state correctional outbreak of acute gastrointestinal illness of short duration involving 100 inmates at a correctional institution followed a similar outbreak among the same population by eight days. clostridium perfringens was the specific etiology in both outbreaks; the vehicle was roast beef in the first outbreak, ham in the second. direct observation of food handling practices revealed that the meats were not cooled quickly enough following cooking; not reheated adequately prior to serving, and; held at im ...19852858163
enterotoxemia of wildfowl due to cl. perfringens type c. 19724332522
malignant melanoma in a snake. 19744368889
occurrence of fecal indicator bacteria in surface waters and the subsurface aquifer in key largo, florida.sewage waste disposal facilities in the florida keys include septic tanks and individual package plants in place of municipal collection facilities in most locations. in key largo, both facilities discharge into the extremely porous key largo limestone. to determine whether there was potential contamination of the subsurface aquifer and nearby coastal surface waters by such waste disposal practices, we examined the presence of microbial indicators commonly found in sewage (fecal coliforms, clost ...19957793943
detection of viral pathogens by reverse transcriptase pcr and of microbial indicators by standard methods in the canals of the florida order to assess the microbial water quality in canal waters throughout the florida keys, a survey was conducted to determine the concentration of microbial fecal indicators and the presence of human pathogenic microorganisms. a total of 19 sites, including 17 canal sites and 2 nearshore water sites, were assayed for total coliforms, fecal coliforms, escherichia coli, clostridium perfringens, enterococci, coliphages, f-specific (f(+)) rna coliphages, giardia lamblia, cryptosporidium parvum, an ...199910473424
assessment and impact of microbial fecal pollution and human enteric pathogens in a coastal community.the goals of this study were to assess watersheds impacted by high densities of osds (onsite sewage disposal systems) for evidence of fecal contamination and evaluate the occurrence of human pathogens in coastal waters off west florida. eleven stations (representing six watersheds) were intensively sampled for microbial indicators of fecal pollution (fecal coliform bacteria, enterococci, clostridium perfringens and coliphage) and the human enteric pathogens, cryptosporidium, giardia, and enterov ...200111381749
preliminary evidence for human fecal contamination in corals of the florida keys, usa.corals and reef environments are under increased stress from anthropogenic activities, particularly those in the vicinity of heavily populated areas such as the florida keys. the potential adverse impacts of wastewater can affect both the environment and human health; however, because of the high decay rate of bacterial indicators in coral reef waters it has been difficult to document the presence of microbial contaminants and to assign risks in these environments. here we show initial evidence ...200212222890
clostridial endophthalmitis after cornea transplantation--florida, 2003.endophthalmitis is a severe condition caused by inflammation of the ocular cavity that often is associated with infection of the internal structures of the eye. the source of infection can include bacteria disseminated through the bloodstream and contamination of the cornea at the time of ocular surgery or trauma. complications include rapid, reversible vision loss that can progress quickly to panophthalmitis, requiring surgical removal of the eye. clostridium perfringens, an anaerobic gram-posi ...200314654765
monitoring marine recreational water quality using multiple microbial indicators in an urban tropical environment.the microbial water quality at two beaches, hobie beach and crandon beach, in miami-dade county, florida, usa was measured using multiple microbial indicators for the purpose of evaluating correlations between microbes and for identifying possible sources of contamination. the indicator microbes chosen for this study (enterococci, escherichia coli, fecal coliform, total coliform and c. perfringens) were evaluated through three different sampling efforts. these efforts included daily measurements ...200415261551
presence of pathogens and indicator microbes at a non-point source subtropical recreational marine beach.swimming in ocean water, including ocean water at beaches not impacted by known point sources of pollution, is an increasing health concern. this study was an initial evaluation of the presence of indicator microbes and pathogens and the association among the indicator microbes, pathogens, and environmental conditions at a subtropical, recreational marine beach in south florida impacted by non-point sources of pollution. twelve water and eight sand samples were collected during four sampling eve ...201019966020
human enteric viruses in groundwater indicate offshore transport of human sewage to coral reefs of the upper florida address the issue of human sewage reaching corals along the main reef of the florida keys, samples were collected from surface water, groundwater and coral [surface mucopolysaccharide layers (sml)] along a 10 km transect near key largo, fl. samples were collected semi-annually between july 2003 and september 2005 and processed for faecal indicator bacteria (faecal coliform bacteria, enterococci and clostridium perfringens) and human-specific enteric viruses (enterovirus rna and adenovirus dna ...201020105219
enteropathogens identified in dogs entering a florida animal shelter with normal feces or determine the frequency of enteropathogens in dogs entering an animal shelter with normal feces or diarrhea.201222812470
enteropathogens identified in cats entering a florida animal shelter with normal feces or determine the frequency of enteropathogens in cats entering an animal shelter with normal feces or diarrhea.201222812469
survival trends of staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and clostridium perfringens in a sandy south florida beach.the search for alternative indicators of disease-risk from non-enteric pathogens at the beach revealed high densities of targeted bacteria. to explain the high numbers of potential non-enteric pathogens, staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa, in beach sand, we investigated factors affecting their survival and distribution, as well as those of a potential fecal indicator, clostridium perfringens. results indicated greater s. aureus and p. aeruginosa survival and proliferation in steril ...201222516512
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