
polynucleotide cross-linking by aluminum.the observations that there was an increased concentration of al in the brains of alzheimer's, guam-parkinson, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease patients and that there was an apparent localization of the al in chromatin led to a study of the interaction of al(iii) with dna. we have previously shown that al cross-links calf thymus dna at low ph (s. j. karlik, g. l. eichhorn, p. n. lewis, and d. r. crapper, biochemistry 19, 5991 [1980]). extended studies indicate that cross-linking occurs ...19892560791
monitoring coastal marine waters for spore-forming bacteria of faecal and soil origin to determine point from non-point source pollution.the us environmental protection agency (usepa) and the world health organization (who) have established recreational water quality standards limiting the concentrations of faecal indicator bacteria (faecal coliform, e. coli, enterococci) to ensure that these waters are safe for swimming. in the application of these hygienic water quality standards, it is assumed that there are no significant environmental sources of these faecal indicator bacteria which are unrelated to direct faecal contaminati ...200111724486
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