
clostridium perfringens cultured from a hawaiian sardine, sardinella marquesensis. 1979230166
towards measuring particle-associated fecal indicator bacteria in tropical streams.a protocol to enumerate particle-associated microbial indicator bacteria (heterotrophic plate count [hpc], enterococci [ent] and clostridium perfringens [cp]) by membrane filtration in a tropical stream is proposed that relies on high-speed homogenization and chemical treatment. application of this protocol to stream samples suggest that ent measurements are more biased by the presence of aggregates than hpc or cp. whole sample treatment typically increased the colony forming units (cfu) count b ...200717270233
bacterial pathogens in hawaiian coastal streams-associations with fecal indicators, land cover, and water quality.this work aimed to understand the distribution of five bacterial pathogens in o'ahu coastal streams and relate their presence to microbial indicator concentrations, land cover of the surrounding watersheds, and physical-chemical measures of stream water quality. twenty-two streams were sampled four times (in december and march, before sunrise and at high noon) to capture seasonal and time of day variation. salmonella, campylobacter, staphylococcus aureus, vibrio vulnificus, and v. parahaemolytic ...201121492899
effects of land uses on fecal indicator bacteria in the water and soil of a tropical watershed.effects of different land uses on densities of escherichia coli, enterococci, and clostridium perfringens in the water and soil of a tropical watershed were investigated. densities of fecal indicator bacteria (fibs) in the watershed exhibited a clear land-use dependency in the stream water. significantly higher concentrations were detected in the urban portion of the stream (417, 420, and 44 cfu 100 ml(-1) for e. coli, enterococci, and c. perfringens, respectively) than in the forest portion (54 ...201121666390
swimmer risk of gastrointestinal illness from exposure to tropical coastal waters impacted by terrestrial dry-weather runoff.this study used molecular methods to measure concentrations of four enteric viruses (adenovirus, enterovirus, norovirus gi, and norovirus gii) and fecal source tracking markers (human, ruminant, and pig bacteroidales) in land-based runoff from 22 tropical streams on o'ahu, hawai'i. each stream was sampled twice in the morning and afternoon during dry weather. viruses and human bacteroidales were widespread in the streams. watershed septic tank densities were positively associated with higher occ ...201121780808
gallbladder bacteriology, histology, and gallstones. study of unselected cholecystectomy specimens in honolulu. 19734346851
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