[drinking water of madagascar (7,891 bacteriological analyses--1970-1977)]. | | 1980 | 6263199 |
[drinking water of madagascar from 1959 to 1977 (20,465 bacteriological analyses)]. | | 1980 | 6263200 |
[food bacteriology in madagascar. laboratory activities from 1965 to 1977. techniques and results]. | | 1980 | 6263201 |
[prevention of anaerobic infections of ruminants in madagascar by intradermal administration of ultrafiltered toxoids of locally specific clostridia]. | | 1983 | 6311508 |
[bacterial quality of the water supply in madagascar]. | the results of 14371 drinking water analysis carried out in madagascar between 1986 and 1993 by the water analysis and food microbiology laboratory of the pasteur institute of madagascar are reported. after a history of the water analysis laboratory, methods and frequency of sampling, methods of analysis and standards applied are quoted and documented. results for each province are reported and particularly indicated: the development of water samples and their portability along the years, the re ... | 1994 | 7575043 |
heat-resistant clostridium welchii in ceylon soils. | | 1964 | 14195003 |
a recent outbreak of necrotizing enteritis in eastern sri lanka. | this report details an outbreak of jejunitis necroticans seen in 42 patients in the provincial hospital in batticaloa, sri lanka. | 2007 | 17326895 |