
a retrospective study of the aetiology and temporal distribution of bovine clinical mastitis in smallholder dairy herds in the dar es salaam region of tanzania.a 31-year record-based retrospective study was carried out to determine the aetiology and temporal distribution of bovine clinical mastitis in smallholder dairy herds in the dar es salaam region of tanzania over the period november 1971-december 2002. laboratory information on 1964 quarter samples from 1365 cows in 281 smallholder dairy herds were retrieved, compiled and studied. eighty-eight percent of the quarter samples were culture-positive and the predominant mastitis pathogens isolated wer ...200716516507
evaluation of the hygienic quality and associated public health hazards of raw milk marketed by smallholder dairy producers in the dar es salaam region, tanzania.a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine three parameters of the quality of the raw milk marketed by milk selling points (msps) in dar es salaam region. total bacterial count (tbc) was used as an indicator of the microbial quality of the milk; antimicrobial residues were determined; and the california mastitis test (cmt) was used to screen for milk somatic cells as an indication of the mastitis level in the cows that provided the milk. moreover, a water sample at each msp was taken for ...200616986766
maternal and neonatal colonisation of group b streptococcus at muhimbili national hospital in dar es salaam, tanzania: prevalence, risk factors and antimicrobial b streptococcus (gbs), which asymptomatically colonises the vaginal and rectal areas of women, is the leading cause of septicemia, meningitis and pneumonia in neonates. in tanzania no studies have been done on gbs colonisation of pregnant women and neonates. this study was conducted in dar es salaam, tanzania to determine the prevalence of gbs colonisation among pregnant women, the neonatal colonisation rate and the antimicrobial susceptibility, thus providing essential information to form ...200919948075
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