
characterization of a sandfly fever sicilian virus isolated during a sandfly fever epidemic in turkey.phleboviruses cause sandfly fever but isolates are rare.201020579934
molecular evidence indicates that phlebotomus major sensu lato (diptera: psychodidae) is the vector species of the recently-identified sandfly fever sicilian virus variant: sandfly fever turkey virus.sandfly fever turkey virus (sftv) is a recently-discovered sandfly fever sicilian virus (sfsv) variant (family bunyaviridae, genus phlebovirus), characterized during retrospective evaluation of febrile disease outbreaks in turkey. in addition to causing sandfly fever, sftv was observed to induce elevation of liver enzymes, and to cause thrombocytopenia in affected individuals. this study was conducted to identify vectors for phleboviruses including sftv in ankara province, turkey, where evidence ...201222651385
[sandfly fever outbreak in a province at central anatolia, turkey.]sandfly fever virus (sfv), which is classified in phlebovirus genus, bunyaviridae family, is widely seen in the middle east and mediterranean basin. sfv has four serotypes known as sicilian (sfsv), cyprus (sfcv), naples (sfnv) and toscana virus (tosv). sandfly fever, which is transmitted to human by different species of sandflies, especially phlebotomus spp., starts with acute onset of high fever and lasts for three days. headache, anorexia and myalgia are the most common symptoms. the aim of th ...201021063993
[investigation of west nile virus in central nervous system infections of unknown etiology in ankara, turkey].arthropod-borne viral infections have recently gained considerable attention and importance as re-emerging infections in a global scale. west nile virus (wnv), a member of flaviviridae, is an enveloped positive strand rna virus that is usually transmitted to humans by the bite of culicine mosquitoes. although the majority of the human infections are asymptomatic, wnv may also cause febrile and neuro-invasive diseases. seroprevalence data from turkey indicate that wnv activity is present in centr ...201020549960
sandfly fever virus activity in central/northern anatolia, turkey: first report of toscana virus infections.sandfly fever viruses (sfvs) cause febrile diseases as well as aseptic meningitis/encephalitis and include serotypes sandfly fever sicilian virus (sfsv), sandfly fever naples virus (sfnv) and toscana virus (tosv). infections are endemic in the mediterranean basin and data on sfv activity in turkey are limited. in this study, sera from 1533 blood donors from the ankara, konya, eskisehir and zonguldak provinces of turkey were evaluated for sfv exposure by indirect immunofluorescence test (iift) an ...201120731683
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