mycoplasma bovis outbreak in a herd of north american bison (bison bison). | a disease outbreak of high morbidity and high mortality in bison (bison bison) was investigated. clinical signs included lameness, swollen joints, respiratory distress, and lethargy. fifty-three of 194 animals died. cows between 5 and 10 years of age were the most affected group, in which 40 of 88 animals died. necropsies were performed on several animals. there were abscesses in the lung and liver, as well as fibrinosuppurative pleuritis, polyarthritis, and disseminated microabscesses in variou ... | 2010 | 20807947 |
rabies in an american bison from north dakota. | in north dakota (usa) during april 1998, a ranched female bison (bison bison) was found dead. at gross necropsy, there was profound hair loss and consolidated lung lobes. intracytoplasmic neuronal inclusions suggestive of negri bodies were observed in the brain stem and hippocampus, and a diagnosis of rabies was confirmed by the fluorescent antibody test. antigenic typing demonstrated the occurrence of a rabies virus variant associated with skunks from the upper midwestern usa. this case of a ra ... | 2000 | 10682762 |