
endophytic bacterial diversity in roots of phragmites australis in constructed beijing cuihu wetland (china).the community structure and diversity of endophytic bacteria in reed (phragmites australis) roots growing in the beijing cuihu wetland, china was investigated using the 16s rrna library technique. primers 799f and 1492r were used to amplify the specific bacterial 16s rrna fragments successfully and construct the clone library. in total, 166 individual sequences were verified by colony pcr and used to assess the diversity of endophytic bacteria in reed roots. phylogenetic analysis revealed that 7 ...201020528944
endophytic bacterial diversity in roots of typha angustifolia l. in the constructed beijing cuihu wetland (china).we investigated the community structure of endophytic bacteria in narrowleaf cattail (typha angustifolia l.) roots growing in the beijing cuihu wetland, china, using the 16s rdna library technique. in total, 184 individual sequences were used to assess the diversity of endophytic bacteria. phylogenetic analysis revealed that 161 clones (87.5%) were affiliated with proteobacteria, other clones grouped into cytophaga/flexibacter/bacteroids (3.3%), fusobacteria (3.8%), and nearly 5% were uncultured ...201021111814
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