
a comparison of three types of "m" traps for sampling tsetse fly (diptera: glossinidae) populations at south luangwa game management area, zambia.a field trial was conducted between 27th july and 1st august, 1992 in mfuwe, south luangwa, zambia to assess the effectiveness of locally developed "m" traps for suppressing and sampling the tsetse flies glossina pallidipes austen and glossina morsitans morsitans westwood. the tsetse catches in the "m" traps and the standard f3 traps were collected at 24 hour intervals. the highest catches of both tsetse species in the series of "m" traps were in the m3 trap. the numbers of female flies caught f ...19947812999
sleeping sickness and tsetse awareness: a sociological study among the tambo and lambya of the northern luangwa valley, on awareness of tsetse flies and knowledge of trypanosomiasis were collected in may, 1988, in the luangwa valley of isoka district in the northern province of zambia. one thousand and nine hundred adult males and females were interviewed. there was a high level of fly awareness among all the respondents, regardless of duration of residence and age groups. malaria was considered as the most serious illness in the community, and hence overshadowed the impact of trypanosomiasis in the communit ...19911807810
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