
serologic survey for selected microbial pathogens in alaskan wildlife.antibodies to brucella spp. were detected in sera of seven of 67 (10%) caribou (rangifer tarandus), one of 39 (3%) moose (alces alces), and six of 122 (5%) grizzly bears (ursus arctos). antibodies to leptospira spp. were found in sera of one of 61 (2%) caribou, one of 37 (3%) moose, six of 122 (5%) grizzly bears, and one of 28 (4%) black bears (ursus americanus). antibodies to contagious ecthyma virus were detected in sera of seven of 17 (41%) dall sheep (ovis dalli) and five of 53 (10%) caribou ...19836139490
hematologic, serum chemistry and serologic values of dall's sheep (ovis dalli dalli) in june 1979, 73 dall's sheep were captured near tok, alaska to determine selected hematologic and serum metabolite parameters and to determine the presence of antibodies to selected pathogens. hematology and serum metabolite values were compared with values for domestic sheep and bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis). antibodies were detected against brucella sp. (4%), campylobacter feti (30%), contagious ecthyma virus (23%) and bovine parainfluenza type 3 virus (1%). antibodies were not detected aga ...19836887435
evidence of alphaherpesvirus infections in alaskan caribou and reindeer.the reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) industry in alaska began with animals imported from siberia (russia) in the 1890's. cervid herpes virus 2 (cvhv2) is endemic in reindeer in scandinavia. we sought to determine if the same virus, or similar herpesviruses, were circulating in alaskan reindeer and caribou (rangifer tarandus granti). serum samples from 292 reindeer were collected during annual reindeer handlings (1988-2005) near nome, alaska. in 2005, swab samples were collected from 40 calv ...201222243919
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