
colonization of rock pile boundary walls in fields by sylvatic triatomines (hemiptera: reduviidae) in jalisco state, mexico.granite rocks is a very abundant material in mexico because they are used habitually as borders for fields. the current work established the significance of this ecotype as a colonization site for triatomines of the phyllosoma complex. seven sites, arbitrary selected, in san martin de hidalgo municipality (mexico) were investigated in april 2002 by using 210 mouse bait-traps left during the night in wall hollows. one hundred and seventy-two triatomines of all life stages were collected from the ...200415185954
triatoma mexicana (hemiptera: reduviidae) in guanajuato, mexico: house infestation and seasonal variation.triatoma mexicana was described by herrich-schaeffer in 1848. in 1940, a male specimen was found in hidalgo. in 1970, this species was recorded in the state of queretaro. later, it was registered in guanajuato and san luis potosi. in the present paper we performed an investigation in 545 dwellings from three counties in the state of guanajuato, mexico, from march 2003 to may 2004. the search and capture of triatomines were seasonally performed indoors and outdoors. entomological indexes were cal ...200718060318
natural infection and distribution of triatomines (hemiptera: reduviidae) in the state of querétaro, mexico.chagas disease is present in mexico but data on the presence of its vectors are not known for all the states. we conducted an epidemiological study to ascertain the presence of bedbugs in 23 communities of seven municipalities in the state of querétaro, mexico. sampling was performed within and outside dwellings, using the technique of one person searching per hour per house. four triatomine species were found: triatoma mexicana (94%), tri. dimidiata (3%), tri. gerstaeckeri (2%) and tri. pallidi ...200818589465
[transmission risk of trypanosoma cruzi in metztitlán municipality from hidalgo state, méxico, by characterization of domiciliary units and their entomologic indexes].in order to determine the risk of transmission of trypanosoma cruzi by triatomines in metztitlan municipality, hidalgo state, mexico, entomological indexes were calculated and the characteristics of dwellings were described. a transversal, retrospective, descriptive, and observational study was performed by means of an intentional not probabilistic and expertise sampling from january to december of 2005 in 10 localities in which presence of triatomines were investigated either intra or peridomes ...201021120392
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