
sampling rhodnius neglectus in mauritia flexuosa palm trees: a field study in the brazilian savanna.two sampling methods (manual capture and live-baited adhesive traps) were compared for collecting the bug rhodnius neglectus lent (hemiptera: reduviidae: triatominae) from palm trees, mauritia flexuosa l. (arecaceae), in the savanna of brasília df. r. neglectus was found in 19/50 (38%) of palm trees sampled. the detection rate was much higher by visual inspection and manual capture (18/50=36%) than by our trapping method (5/50=10%), although one tree was found to be positive by trapping but not ...200312941022
[spatial distribution of triatominae populations (hemiptera: reduviidae) in mauritia flexuosa palm trees in federal district of brazil].to determine and analyze the distribution of triatominae sylvatic populations in the federal district of brazil, 150 mauritia flexuosa palm trees were sampled in six veredas of different landscapes (sylvatic, rural and peri-urban) in the rainy season. triatomines were morphologically identified and grouped by sex and nymphal stage and were examined to verify infection by trypanosoma cruzi and trypanosoma rangeli. twenty eight (18.6%) palm trees were infested by rhodnius neglectus and fourteen (9 ...200415330065
arthropods associated with the crown of mauritia flexuosa (arecaceae) palm trees in three different environments from brazilian cerrado.canopy arthropods, mainly from palm trees, are little known in the brazilian cerrado. in order to describe the arthropod community structure associated with the crown of mauritia flexuosa (arecaceae), we sampled 150 palm trees in six "veredas" of the federal district, brazil, in wild, rural and periurban areas in the rainy season. the arthropods within abandoned bird nests, mammal refuges, leaves and organic matter were manually collected, preserved in ethanol 70% and separated by order, family, ...200618575689
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