
salmonella enterica isolated from wildlife at two ohio rehabilitation centers.between may and september 2004, fecal samples from various wildlife species admitted to two rehabilitation centers in ohio were cultured for salmonella enterica and escherichia coli o157:h7. eight of 71 (11%) samples, including specimens from three opossums (didelphis virginiana), two gray squirrels (sciurus carolinensis), a woodchuck (marmota monax), a harris hawk (parabuteo unicinctus), and a screech owl (otus asio) tested positive for salmonella serovars braenderup, senftenberg, oranienburg, ...200717939349
microbial and chemical contamination during and after flooding in the ohio river-kentucky, 2011.surface water contaminants in kentucky during and after 2011 flooding were characterized. surface water samples were collected during flood stage (may 2-4, 2011; n = 15) and after (july 25-26, 2011; n = 8) from four different cities along the ohio river and were analyzed for the presence of microbial indicators, pathogens, metals, and chemical contaminants. contaminant concentrations during and after flooding were compared using linear and logistic regression. surface water samples collected dur ...201424967556
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