
salmonella contamination of turkey from processing to final product--a process to product safety and the development of an understanding of issues surrounding pathogens associated with food is of considerable importance in modern-day food production. the design and use of risk models to estimate the likelihood of human illness has become an important part of our understanding of food safety issues. in order to quantify food safety risks, the first requirement is to estimate the occurrence of the pathogen associated with a particular production system. as such, an assessment of w ...200718041959
fecal shedding of escherichia coli o157:h7 in north dakota feedlot cattle in the fall and spring.cattle are an important reservoir of escherichia coli o157:h7, which can lead to contamination of food and water, and subsequent human disease. e. coli o157:h7 shedding in cattle has been reported as seasonal, with more animals shedding during summer and early fall than during winter. north dakota has relatively cold weather, especially in winter and early spring, compared with many other regions of the united states. the objective was to assess fecal shedding of e. coli o157:h7 in north dakota ...200616715819
foodborne outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by escherichia coli o157:h7--north dakota, late july and early august 1990, an outbreak of gastroenteritis occurred among persons who had eaten a meal while attending an agricultural threshing show in north dakota on july 28-29. at least 70 (3.5%) of the more than 2000 attendees were affected; of these, 16 persons were hospitalized, and two children, aged 2 and 8 years, were diagnosed with hemolytic uremic syndrome. an epidemiologic investigation was conducted by the north dakota state department of health and consolidated laboratorie ...19911901621
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