
epidemiological study of e. coli o157:h7 isolated in northern ireland using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge).in northern ireland over the last 7 years, there is a mean of 41.9 laboratory reports per annum of human gastrointestinal infection (range 19-54) caused by escherichia coli o157:h7. in the preceding years 1992-1996, reports were 5.4 per annum, whereas in 1997-2000, reports increased from 30 to 54 per annum. this high level has continued on an annual basis to date. the aim of this study was therefore to retrospectively examine this period of exponential increase in reports to help ascertain the g ...200818956798
molecular characterisation of the reca locus in clinical isolates of verocytotoxigenic e. coli o157:h7.molecular epidemiology of verocytoxigenic escherichia coli o157:h7 is important to help elucidate reservoirs and modes of transmission, particularly between animals and humans. as the reca gene locus is now beginning to gain application in bacterial genotyping schemes, and as it has not been examined previously in e. coli o157 isolates, this study aims to examine potential polymorphic variation as a possible epidemiological marker for the subspecies characterisation of clinically significant ver ...200919348125
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