
characterization of fe(iii)-reducing enrichment cultures and isolation of fe(iii)-reducing bacteria from the savannah river site, south carolina.the savannah river site, south carolina (srs), has been subjected to heavy metal and radionuclide contamination. dissimilatory fe(iii)-reducing bacteria, by reducing insoluble fe(iii) to soluble fe(ii), may enhance contaminant mobility through subsurface environments. in order to investigate populations of the indigenous iron-reducing microbes from the srs, duplicate enrichment cultures were initiated using a 10% inoculum of 7 sediment/soil samples, and serial dilutions were made into wolfe's mi ...200616730954
role of pantoea agglomerans in opportunistic bacterial seed and boll rot of cotton (gossypium hirsutum) grown in the investigate the aetiology of seed and boll rot of cotton grown in south carolina (sc).200717184328
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