
hydatidosis of slaughtered animals in ngorongoro district of arusha region, tanzania.a study on the prevalence of hydatidosis in cattle, goats and sheep was carried out in ngorongoro district of arusha region, tanzania. a 4-years data records from four slaughter slabs were retrieved and analysed. in addition, meat inspection was done in the same slaughter slabs for nine months and 64 households were interviewed to assess the community awareness on hydatidosis. results showed the overall prevalence of hydatidosis to be 47.9%. species prevalence of 48.7%, 34.7% and 63.8% in cattle ...200919105043
a retrospective survey of human hydatidosis based on hospital records during the period 1990-2003 in ngorongoro, tanzania.a 13-year (1990-2003) retrospective study was carried out to investigate the occurrence of cystic echinococcosis (ce) in patients at wasso hospital in ngorongoro district, tanzania. hospitalization records were reviewed and confirmed cases of ce were classified according to ward of residence, age, sex, cyst location and type. a total of 171 hydatidosis patients were diagnosed and operated giving an average of 13 cases per year, equivalent to approximately 10 cases per 100,000 people per year. cy ...201019968843
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