
a plague epizootic in the white-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys leucurus) of meeteetse, wyoming.surveillance for sylvatic plague (yersinia pestis) was conducted near meeteetse, wyoming (usa) from 24 may to 14 june 1985. ten species of fleas were collected from white-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys leucurus), and from their burrows and associated rodents. five of these flea species and two adult prairie dogs were positive for plague. the progression of this plague epizootic appeared to be slower and the intensity was less than in previous epizootics in other prairie dog colonies. the plague ep ...19883411698
plague in a free-ranging mule deer from wyoming. 19873820418
plague in a black-footed ferret (mustela nigripes).diagnosis of sylvatic plague in a captive black-footed ferret (mustela nigripes) was based on gross and microscopic lesions, fluorescent antibody tests, culture of yersinia pestis, and immunohistochemistry. gross lesions consisted of acute hemorrhage and necrosis associated with cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and pulmonary edema. acute edema, hemorrhage, and necrosis with numerous bacteria in blood vessels and sinusoids characterized microscopic lesions. occurrenc ...19947760495
serological survey for diseases in free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) in yellowstone national park, wyoming.from october 1989 to june 1993, we captured and sampled 110 coyotes (canis latrans) for various diseases in yellowstone national park, wyoming (usa). prevalence of antibodies against canine parvovirus (cpv) was 100% for adults (> 24 months old), 100% for yearlings (12 to 24 months old), and 100% for old pups (4 to 12 months old); 0% of the young pups (< 3 months old) had antibodies against cpv. presence of antibodies against canine distemper virus (cdv) was associated with the age of the coyote, ...19979027690
plague in a complex of white-tailed prairie dogs and associated small mammals in wyoming.fleas were collected from white-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys leucurus) and other small mammals trapped on six grids during a field study near meeteetse (wyoming, usa) in 1989 and 1990 to investigate the dynamics of plague in this rodent population. fleas were identified and tested for yersinia pestis by mouse inoculation. yersinia pestis-positive fleas were found on prairie dogs and in their burrows. flea species on prairie dogs changed from spring to late summer. white-tailed prairie dog number ...19979391955
serologic survey for selected infectious disease agents in swift and kit foxes from the western united states.a serologic survey of swift fox (vulpes velox) and kit fox (v. macrotis) from the western usa was conducted for 12 infectious diseases. samples from swift fox were collected between 1987 and 1992 from colorado (n = 44), kansas (n = 10), and wyoming (n = 9). samples from kit fox were collected in california (n = 86), new mexico (n = 18), utah (n = 9), and arizona (n = 6). overall antibody prevalence rates were 33 of 110 (30%) for canine parvovirus (cpv), 9 of 72 (13%) for canine distemper virus ( ...200011085448
a plague epizootic in the black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus).plague is the primary cause for the rangewide decline in prairie dog (cynomys spp.) distribution and abundance, yet our knowledge of plague dynamics in prairie dog populations is limited. our understanding of the effects of plague on the most widespread species, the black-tailed prairie dog (c. ludovicianus), is particularly weak. during a study on the population biology of black-tailed prairie dogs in wyoming, usa, plague was detected in a colony under intensive monitoring, providing a unique o ...200616699150
prevalence of yersinia pestis in rodents and fleas associated with black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) at thunder basin national grassland, wyoming.rodents (and their fleas) that are associated with prairie dogs are considered important for the maintenance and transmission of the bacterium (yersinia pestis) that causes plague. our goal was to identify rodent and flea species that were potentially involved in a plague epizootic in black-tailed prairie dogs at thunder basin national grassland. we collected blood samples and ectoparasites from rodents trapped at off- and on-colony grids at thunder basin national grassland between 2002 and 2004 ...200818689663
ocular plague (yersinia pestis) in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from wyoming and oregon.although plague is relatively rare in wild ungulates, this report describes ocular lesions associated with yersinia pestis infection in three free-ranging mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from wyoming and oregon, usa. all deer were observed antemortem and seemed to be blind. post-mortem examination revealed gross lesions of bilateral keratoconjunctivitis and/or panophthalmitis in the first two deer, but only partial retinal detachment in the third deer. microscopically, all deer had moderate-to-s ...200818957655
antigenic profiling of yersinia pestis infection in the wyoming coyote (canis latrans).although yersinia pestis is classified as a "high-virulence" pathogen, some host species are variably susceptible to disease. coyotes (canis latrans) exhibit mild, if any, symptoms during infection, but antibody production occurs postinfection. this immune response has been reported to be against the f1 capsule, although little subsequent characterization has been conducted. to further define the nature of coyote humoral immunity to plague, qualitative serology was conducted to assess the antipl ...201121269993
detections of yersinia pestis east of the known distribution of active plague in the united states.we examined fleas collected from black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) burrows from 2009 through 2011 in five national park units east of the known distribution of active plague across the northern great plains for the presence of yersinia pestis. across all national park units, oropsylla tuberculata and oropsylla hirsuta were the most common fleas collected from prairie dog burrows, 42.4% and 56.9%, respectively, of the 3964 fleas collected from burrow swabbing. using a nested pcr ass ...201626771845
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