
molecular epidemiological survey of citrobacter freundii misidentified as cronobacter spp. (enterobacter sakazakii) and enterobacter hormaechei isolated from powdered infant milk formula.a total of 75 powdered infant milk formula (pif) samples collected from pharmacies and drugstores in western sicily, italy, and representative of 12 different brands were analyzed in this study to evaluate their microbiological quality. according to the u.s. food and drug administration protocol, 32 samples out of 75 were contaminated by enterobacteria. commercial biochemical api(r) 20e-system identification method indicated that six pif samples were presumptively contaminated by cronobacter spp ...201121204699
isolation of enterobacter sakazakii from ass' milk in sicily: case report, safety and legal issues.enterobacter sakazakii (es) infections are likely to involve newborns and infants, causing meningitis and necrotizing enterocolitis and sepsis. contamination of infant formulae milk during factory production or bottle preparation is implicated. es has been isolated from environmental sources and from food other than infant formula and milk powder, but why it is associated only with the consumption of infant formulae, is unclear. according to regulation (ec) no. 2073/2005 on the microbiological c ...200818571118
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