
a cross-sectional study of helminths in rural scavenging poultry in tanzania in relation to season and climate.a cross-sectional study on the prevalence of helminths in rural scavenging poultry on six hundred adult chickens selected randomly from six villages in the morogoro region, tanzania during the wet and the dry seasons, was conducted. the trachea and gastrointestinal tract of each bird were examined for the presence of parasites. all chickens were infected with one or several species of helminths, the average being 4.8 +/- 1.7 helminths per chicken during the wet season and 5.1 +/- 1.8 during the ...19979271471
a comparison of the prevalence and burdens of helminth infections in growers and adult free-range chickens.matched samples of 100 chickens of each of growers and adult rural free-range chickens in morogoro, tanzania, were purchased from the beginning to the end of the long rainy season. at necropsy, the trachea, the gastrointestinal tract and the oviduct were examined for helminth infections. the helminth species isolated comprised 18 nematodes and 8 cestodes but no trematodes. tetrameres fissispina is a new record in tanzania. all the chickens harboured at least three different helminth species. gro ...200212094676
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