
microbiological quality of blue mussels (mytilus edulis) in nunavik, quebec: a pilot study.this pilot study was aimed at documenting the presence of fecal indicators and enteric pathogens in blue mussels (mytilus edulis) from 6 communities in nunavik, quebec. one to four 2 kg samples of mussels were collected at low tide in each community. samples were investigated by enumeration methods for the fecal indicators enterococci, escherichia coli, f-specific coliphages, clostridium perfringens, and by molecular identification for the pathogens norovirus, salmonella spp., campylobacter jeju ...201021076488
a national investigation of the prevalence and diversity of thermophilic campylobacter species in agricultural watersheds in canada.the occurrence and diversity of thermophilic campylobacter species (c. jejuni, coli, and lari) were studied in water samples from four river basins located across canada. these basins located in quebec (bras d'henri), alberta (oldman), ontario (south nation), and british columbia (sumas) represented some of the most intensive farming areas in canada for hog, beef cattle, dairy cattle, and poultry, respectively. this study analyzed 769 water samples collected from 23 monitoring sites with agricul ...201424930011
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