post-caesarean septicaemia in kandang kerbau hospital, singapore, 1993-1995. | we reviewed all documented cases of septicaemia following caesarean deliveries in kandang kerbau hospital between 1st january 1993 to 31st december 1995. there were 22 cases of septicaemia among 8201 caesarean births, and hence the incidence is 2.7:1000. there were 45,412 deliveries, and the overall caesarean section rate was 18.1%. among the 22 documented cases of septicaemia which came under this study, the most common clinical conditions found were endomyometritis (7 cases), urinary tract inf ... | 1997 | 10968108 |
case report of staphylococcus lugdunensis native valve endocarditis and review of the literature. | coagulase-negative staphylococci, commonly staphylococcus epidermidis, cause 5% of native valve endocarditis. we describe a case due to staphylococcus lugdunensis, a coagulase-negative staphylococcus identified in 1988, as a first report in southeast asia. it was previously misidentified as s. aureus because it is sometimes slide coagulase positive, but always tube coagulase negative, resulting in its delayed recognition as a pathogen. we also reviewed 36 other cases reported in the english lite ... | 2000 | 11126708 |