otitis externa--the clinical pattern in a tertiary institution in singapore. | otitis externa is a common condition in the tropics. most of the data related to the condition have arisen from western sources. locally, the aetiology and the pathogens identified have not been systematically studied. a prospective study involving 107 patients was conducted. otomycosis was frequently encountered. coagulase negative staphylococcus and aspergillus niger were the most common bacteria and fungus cultured respectively. gentamicin and polymyxin b were the most effective topical agent ... | 1998 | 9663313 |
hemicellulase production by aspergillus niger dsm 26641 in hydrothermal palm oil empty fruit bunch hydrolysate and transcriptome analysis. | palm oil empty fruit bunches (efb) is an abundant and cheap lignocellulose material in southeast asia. its use as the sole medium for producing lignocellulose-hydrolyzing enzymes would increase its commercial value. a newly isolated aspergillus niger dsm 26641 was investigated for its capability of producing hemicellulases in efb hydrolysate obtained by treatment with pressurized hot water (1-20%, w/v) at 120-180°c in a 1 l parr reactor for 10-60 min. the optimal hydrolysate for the fungal growt ... | 2014 | 24958131 |
isolation of filamentous fungi exhibiting high endoxylanase activity in lignocellulose hydrolysate. | for complete degradation of hemicellulose into its monomers from lignocellulose biomass, the synergistic action of a broad range of hydrolytic enzymes is needed. therefore, production of enzymes from their natural producer is desirable. to obtain a powerful β-1,4-endoxylanase producing fungus, 304 environmental samples were collected from various locations in singapore, leading to 603 isolates. among them, 71 exhibiting β-1,4-endoxylanase activity were identified belonging mainly to the genera o ... | 2015 | 25432348 |