
use of igm-hepatitis a antibody testing. investigating a common-source, food borne outbreak of hepatitis, type a, affecting 30 employees of a large metropolitan department store was investigated using traditional case findings, a food preference questionnaire, and case-control methods. in addition, the new serological tests for igm and igg antibody to hepatitis a virus (anti-hav) were employed to establish a serological diagnosis of hepatitis a infection, to define the control group, and to identify the index case, an asymptomatic food handler. twenty-five of 25 cases teste ...19816257940
revisiting the holy cross football team hepatitis outbreak (1969) by serological analysis.clinical and biochemical data collected during the holy cross college football team hepatitis a outbreak in 1969 suggested that 32 team members had icteric hepatitis, 58 had anicteric illness, and only seven were not infected. using a currently available radioimmunoassay, we tested stored serum samples obtained during the outbreak for igm antibody to hepatitis a virus (igm anti-hav). only individuals with icteric hepatitis were found to have igm anti-hav in serum; those with presumed anicteric i ...19852989569
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