
[the incidence of antibodies against hepatitis a virus in various age groups in the basle population 1978-79].in a study on the prevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) exposure among the basel population in 1978/79, 763 sera matched for age were tested for hav antibodies by radioimmunassay (havab). sera of patients with a recent history of liver disease were not included. the results show that the prevalence of hav antibodies increases with age, a situation similar to that in poliomyelitis before vaccination. the prevalence of hav antibodies rises from 15% in the 11-20 year age group to 90% in the over-71 ...19806252603
[hepatitis a outbreak in a kindergarten].in november/december 1990 eight out of 38 children of a kindergarten in basle were involved in an outbreak of hepatitis a, and further cases occurred among family members and friends of the children. a questionnaire survey and a serologic analysis including all families associated with the kindergarten was undertaken to investigate the source, extent and spread of the hepatitis a. among 147 persons examined, 20 clinical cases of hepatitis a were diagnosed (9 adults, 11 children), 5 more children ...19921329190
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