
outbreak of hepatitis a virus infection among hiv-1 seropositive men who had sex with men. 199910507997
acute hepatitis outbreak in tokyo caused by hepatitis a virus of common origin transmitted through oral and sexual routes. 200010957712
changes in seroepidemiological pattern of helicobacter pylori and hepatitis a virus over the last 20 years in japan.the age groups most susceptible to infection and the mode of transmission of helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) are not yet clear. to contribute to a better understanding of this disease, this study was undertaken to evaluate changes in the seroepidemiological pattern of h. pylori in a group of japanese people over the last 20 yr sampled in 1974, 1984, and 1994 in comparison with that of the hepatitis a virus (hav), which was used as a marker of the fecal-oral route of transmission.199910445533
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