
higher pentamidine levels in aids patients with hypoglycemia and azotemia during treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (tmp-smz) and pentamidine are both licensed for the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp). however, their use is associated with various adverse side effects. in this prospective study, 26 aids patients with 32 episodes of pcp were treated with pentamidine (4 mg/kg/d). each patient was treated for 12 to 21 days, depending on the rapidity of onset of the clinical response. during the 32 pcp episodes, hypoglycemia occurred in 16 instances, azotemia in 12, ...19921519856
[surgical treatment of pneumothorax in aids patients].a retrospective review of the charts of 26 patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) treated at the hotel-dieu de montréal was performed. patients presented a total of 37 pneumothoraces. eleven cases were recurrent. bilateral pneumothoraces were documented in three patients, most of them (17) were severe (> 75%). pneumocystis carinii pneumonia was the most frequently associated pathology. the initial treatment consisted in chest tube drainage. a definitive treatment was indicat ...19938141550
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