
[pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with aids in the congo].forty-five bronchoalveolar lavages (bal) were performed in brazzaville in aids patients who did not expectorate acid- and alcohol-resistant bacilli (aarb). all patients presented with respiratory symptoms (cough, dyspnoea or chest pain), and all but 6 of them had abnormal radiography of the chest. four cases of pneumocystosis were diagnosed (9%); 3 of these patients had interstitial pneumonia and dyspnoea. no aarb was found at microscopic examination of bal which showed pneumocyctis carinii; no ...19911882160
[opportunistic parasitic diseases and mycoses in aids. their frequencies in brazzaville (congo)].to determine the frequency of opportunistic parasitic and mycotic diseases in adult aids patients in the congo, a study was conducted at l'hôpital universitaire de brazzaville in 1986 and 1987. diagnosis of aids was made using the who clinical definition for africa (bangui, 1985) and hiv seropositivity pasteur elisa test. oral pharyngeal candidiasis occurred in 36% of cases. intestinal parasitic profile found in 118 patients, 2/3 of whom were associated with chronic diarrhoea showed clearly rela ...19883263218
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