
[pneumocystis carinii infection in a hiv infection department].to determine the prevalence of pneumocystis carinii in the hiv-infection department, a simultaneous survey was made of 33 hiv-infected patients at various stages of the disease, of close relatives that were nursing the patients in the unit (n-7), and of medical staff of the department (n-20). patients with toxic infections who were on another floor of the same hospital and medical students were examined as a control group. for detection of p. carinii antigen, smears from the deep airways were te ...19921283714
[pneumocystis carinii infection in a pediatric tuberculosis hospital].an outbreak of pneumocytosis in a children's tuberculosis hospital was analyzed. the infection was characterized by few signs and favourable progress. antibiotic therapy failed. to eliminate the outbreak of pneumocystosis in the hospital it was necessary to detect all the children with pneumocystosis and carriers of pneumocysts among the patients and medical staff, to use furazolidone for etiotropic treatment of the patients with pneumocystosis and to perform one-stage sanation of the carriers w ...19912053824
[the host-opportunistic protozoa system. the effect of ionizing radiation on the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis and pneumocystosis].the aim of this study was to determine an influence of ionized radiation on the prevalence of cryptosporidium and pneumocystis carinii (p. c.) infections in children inhabitants of settlements affected by radionuclides after chernobyl accident. survey of children from day-care centers for prevalence of cryptosporidium was carried out in bryansk region, russia, and gomel and mogilev regions, belarus; children from cities mogilev and gomel as well as small town pochep, bryansk region, serve as con ...19968984437
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